First to go, last to know

Today, suprisingly, has been fairly alright. Humidity is at an extremely meek 51-53%, and the work out at the gym went well. After gunny got back from his meeting, he dropped the bomb:

"Hey, how well do your Charlies fit?"

Fuck, suprise inspection? Last second ceremony? Crap!

No, gentile readers, much better.

"I need you and S to be in Charlies tomorrow to be witnesses at a Court Martial."

God damn it.

Luckily for us, it's in charlies, so it's at least somewhat comfortable. Looks like I have a fun night of fixing my uniform.


Fun with Housing

Let me preface this by saying the housing I live in is old. Damn old, even. Ken a civilian that works here, remembers living in the housing when his dad got stationed here after he returned from Nam. And even then, the places were old. Doin the math, I would guess that these places were made around Post-WWII or Korean War Era. Essentially, 50-60 years old. It's possible that Eisenhower was still in the military when these buildings were created.

Alright, so Friday my wife moved down here and we finally started to live together. There was a lot of things that happened on friday afternoon, but I won't get into it. Anyway, back to the housing story. So thursday, when I am bringing stuff over, everything works fine... a/c is great, lights are good, no issues.

Friday comes around and issue #1 occurs: stairway and dining room lights fail for a bit. Now, there were storms rolling through and half of the lights/power in the town went out, so I attributed it to that somehow, but later that weekend it happened again. Bah.

Issue #2: Toilet (no pun intened, but the irony amuses me)
The damn thing barely flushed. Now, while giving your toilet a "double-tap" of flushing isn't unheard of, a quad-tap, or a hexa-tap are right out. You should not have to be flushing continuously for 5 minutes because your toilet is being finicky. Nor should you be continuously flushing for 5 minutes straight in general. If you do, please seek a doctor for medical assistance, but not a Navy Corpsman, because all they'll do is throw 53 lbs of motrin at you and yell at you about your lack of hydration.

Problem #3: Exhaust vent-fan
These things usually come in handy when you're cooking a meal/food item which is quite odorous... for example fish, or in this case, bacon. See, the fan worked fine when we looked at it, and I turned it on a few times just to make sure, but come gameday a little dot of sand graced its clitoris, and it crapped out, right as we started the bacon.
Fucking figures.

Now, all three of those problems we got fixed yesterday, much to our delight. But when the cable guy came to transfer over the internet, he discovered a new problem: cable in our room is all jacked up. Now, I managed to ghetto-rig the cable line downstairs (which works), so that I have a piece of cable running up the stairs, across the second story into my room with the router and my dektop computer, but still, thats ugly, and I dont want to have to repeat the procedure to allow us to watch tv in our bedroom, so thats the newest fix to add to the list.
